Monday, November 10, 2008

Introducing the New Forum

As previously mentioned, we've been working on creating a forum to replace the blog and hopefully provide a similar source for useful information and discussion. Well, the TorrentFries forum is now online. We encourage you to head over there, sign up, and check it out. This blog will remain online for reference purposes but will no longer be updated. Any further entries we feel like adding will be made over at the forum.

I hope you have enjoyed the blog, and I hope you will find the forum useful and perhaps entertaining. I'd like to extend extra-special thanks to Chris for registering the domain for us before some filthy squatter could get to it. and will continue to redirect to the blog to prevent broken links, and will take you to the forum.


ChiliDog said...

Forum site looks down.

Anonymous said...

Geh, they look suspended. Hopefully you guys have backups? :p

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